Wednesday, 21 March 2012

Why not Computers?

Days are gone when a young heart scratches his head on a silent river bed and wonders “Do I need a computer?”
The world is changing at much faster pace than ever before in history of evolution of mankind. We are now practically in Information Age and if radiations and signals had visible colors; the entire space around humans, in most part of the world, would be colored with a spectrum of technological radiations. The use of Digital technology and the information we transfer everyday on the 3Ws (World Wide Web) is massive. It is estimated that, the information we transfer everyday is more than 90,000 PB. Per day (1 PB or Petabyte=1 million GB-Gigabytes = 1000 TB- Terabytes).
As we have discussed in the “House Hold Electronics” section the electronics of today are now becoming “integrated”. They are now involving much of the digital applications of technology and becoming more network and internet friendly than ever before. Same is true for the Computer world; the digital knowledge is expanding its horizons to combine with other forms of technology, creating a newer “Digital world” every second.
The citizen of this new “Digital world” has to be Computer literate and should be able to access the basic information technologies, in all its varied forms, for accomplishing simple daily tasks. For instance to use the recently launched Internet T.V. a person needs to have the basic skills of using internet and transferring digital resources like photographs, videos, music and last but never the least Text. A simple testimony to this statement is a question “When did you last write a letter and sent your pictures to your friend in another country”. The answer is self explanatory. 
To dare to vision a future of “Digital world” escalates our responsibilities towards future. In a world where anything non digital may even be considered ancient; puts immense pressure on an ordinary person, to be more informed and knowledgeable about technological advances; one should be able to explore his potential using his digital talent.
Considering East Africa, other nations of Africa and the rest of developing world we have a word of wisdom in one of our blog post “Trendz in Electronics”. The more you are late to own a technological product the better you’ll get. But we should still -be prepared- for the best and the right time to begin is “now”.
So when the question arises “Why Computers?” we always answer “Why Not Computers?”

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